Senior picture deadline date

Thursday, October 31st, 2024 (photo placement in the yearbook cannot be guaranteed if photo is received after this date. Seniors’ school-identification photos will be used as available if another photo is not submitted.)

You may go to any photographer you choose…

However, the photograph submitted for use in the yearbook must meet the following specifications to the satisfaction of each school’s yearbook adviser. Take the specifications with you to your photo shoot to make sure your photographer is aware of the requirements. Make certain your photographer agrees to follow these specifications BEFORE you have your picture taken. It is recommended to obtain estimates of costs from several photographers before making an appointment.


      1. Photos should be four-color digital images, submitted electronically.

      1. Photos should be high resolution (225 dpi), saved in JPEG format.

      1. Photos should be cropped and resized to vertical, wallet-size photo (approximately 2” X 3” tall). Please leave 1/8 of an inch between the top of the head and the top of the picture

      1. The background should not be distracting, and should contrast with student’s clothing color (medium–toned, neutral-color backgrounds preferred).

      1. The student’s head and face should stand out from background, and have sufficient contrast.

      1. The student’s pose should be a basic head-and-shoulder shot, preferably full front or slightly to the side. Avoid extreme angles and hands in photo.

      1. Clothing should be school appropriate (avoid wording on clothing).

      1. No props or hats are allowed and no items (i.e. tree trunk, fence, etc.) should appear in front of the student.

    Note: Photos may be cropped by the school for uniformity of size. Hands and arms will be cropped as necessary since head-and-shoulder shots are requested.

    Electronic Submission Instructions

        1. Crop and resize original to vertical wallet-sized 2” X 3” photo. Please leave 1/8 of an inch between the top of the head and the top of the picture

        1. Save as high resolution at 225 dpi in JPEG format

        1. Name file with student’s name (last_first.jpg, example: jones_john.jpg)

        1. Visit

        1. Enter the student’s first name, last name and select their home school.

        1. Select the digital file on your computer and submit the form

        1. Repeat this process for any additional students whom you need to submit

        1. Please send a backup CD of photos submitted to the school (only if you have more than one senior photographed)

      Additional information about photo submissions is available here.


      Contact the Southeast High School Yearbook Advisor:
      Kathryn Rochford

      Community Upload

      Community Upload – Share your personal photos of LSE activities and athletics for possible publication in the LSE Yearbook by using the LPS Yearbook Photo Uploader.

      Senior Ads

      The Shield yearbook staff will be selling Senior Ads August 12th to December 20th, 2024 to be published in the 2025 Shield yearbook. Senior Ads are available for $40-100 and can feature up to five photos of your senior along with a message of congratulations.

      These tributes are available on a first come, first serve basis between Monday, August 12th and Friday, December 20th, 2024. Electronic photo submission is preferred, but not required.

      Purchasing a Yearbook

      The 2025 Shield Yearbook will go on sale online July 15th, 2024 and sales will end when yearbooks are sold out.

      Yearbooks for the 2024-2025 year may be purchased through MySchoolBucks beginning July 15th, 2024. To purchase a yearbook:

        1. Log in to your ParentVUE account
        2. Click the “Fees” tab
        3. Click the blue “Pay Fees” button
        4. Click the “Existing MySchoolBucks User” button to link your ParentVUE account to your existing MySchoolBucks account.
          1. You will be prompted to enter your existing MySchoolBucks username and password.
          2. If you don’t have an existing MySchoolBucks account, click the “New MySchoolBucks User” button and follow the prompts to set up a new account.
        5. Make the payment via MySchoolBucks (directions can be found here).
          1. Purchase price for 2024-2025 Shield Yearbooks will be as follows:
            1. July 15th – March 8th: $70
            2. March 9th – sell out: $75

      Please Note: The Shield Yearbook consistently sells out. The Shield Yearbook staff cannot guarantee purchase availability after February 1st. Due to the nature of yearbook publishing, additional books cannot be ordered from the publisher after this date. In order to ensure your student receives a copy, please purchase at your earliest convenience.